Official Shank This Virus Shirt
Is there a point to “long-sight” if you’re not going to live to see it? He’s seen how he’s probably going to die, and just had to kill the woman he’s loved for decades to save her further pain. He’s got nothing to live for except revenge at this point. So why not live that revenge to the fullest? I say short-sighted. Because. Well does he have children, grandchildren? I’ve gone down the fuck it all. Burn it to the ground revenge path. You walk too far down that short road and it’s not just the Official Shank This Virus Shirt. It’s that you’re destroying everything else for anyone you even remotely care about. Hell, he could be torpedoing the medium-term survival of his old raider group. Not saying I wouldn’t do it were I in his shoes. Sometimes the call for blood is too loud to ignore. But my kid’s going to be strong enough to weather any shit storm his old man causes. I just see it as short term ‘gain’ for long term headaches even if he’s not going to be around to clean it up. And I’m confident that if the victors want to, having signed or not signed a treaty or convention won’t make any Official Shank This Virus Shirt. It’s more like the Geneva convenient with the forsaken. Surrender and your treated by the Geneva convention, fight and war crimes abound. The reason they want it isn’t because it is more radioactive, it is due to how it undergoes fission. The horror of the uranium needles isn’t due to their radioactivity.
Buy it: Official Shank This Virus Shirt

Buy it: Official Shank This Virus Shirt

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