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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Grateful Merry Christmas Have No Fear The Redhead Is Here Shirt

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Personally I can't ever wait to take my Grateful Merry Christmas Have No Fear The Redhead Is Here Shirt . I'm not bothered by anyone who wears their mask while driving, but I do wonder how they can stand to keep it on longer than necessary. CDC and WHO mask doffing protocols say it’s not safe to take it off or touch anywhere near your face until you’ve washed your hands. So people wearing it in the car- especially between multiple errands- are not wearing it any longer than necessary. One of coworkers gets so worked up over people wearing masks in general. What other people do has absolutely nothing to do with you.  Buy it: Grateful Merry Christmas Have No Fear The Redhead Is Here Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice Hummingbird Christmas A Season Of Crewneck Shirt

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Everyone keeps replying as if only the Nice Hummingbird Christmas A Season Of Crewneck Shirt are possible and projecting their insecurities about why they judge people onto why others might question someone else’s behavior. I posted in the other thread that I only use mask with ties and sometimes I’m taking short trips between places I want to have my mask on at and it’s more convenient for me to leave it on, however I can completely understand why someone may think I’m off when they have no context for my behavior as they see me driving down the road. Buy it: Nice Hummingbird Christmas A Season Of Crewneck Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Funny Merry Trashmas Raccoon Christmas Shirt

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In Australia, we’ve been told once it’s on, leave it on until you get a Funny Merry Trashmas Raccoon Christmas Shirt. The less you touch it with your hands, the better. This means leave it on in the car between stops. I can’t see any reason for someone to be angry about this, and I’ve not seen it happen over here. Are these general anti mask people where you are from or do they have a particular issue with people in cars? So when people wear masks when they don't have to, it feels even more like they are just doing it to make a statement, or to rub it in that the pandemic is real and there's no ignoring it. Buy it: Funny Merry Trashmas Raccoon Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Original And Jesus Said And I Will Take Them From Their Parents Republican Standard Version Shirt

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It could have something to do with the Original And Jesus Said And I Will Take Them From Their Parents Republican Standard Version Shirt that my college requires masks everywhere, I live on campus, and if you leave campus you’re required to wear a mask everywhere or risk expulsion, so I see these people alone in their cars willingly wear their masks and I’m just jealous that they don’t have to wear it so often that they jump at the first chance to take it off. I don’t really get upset tho, I just look at them and feel more envy than anything else. Buy it: Original And Jesus Said And I Will Take Them From Their Parents Republican Standard Version Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cute Impasta Italian Us Among Us Shirt

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I need to start wearing a Cute Impasta Italian Us Among Us Shirt . I use to take it off and couldn’t remember which side was touching my skin and which was exposed to germs. But I’ve bought a designed mask since then that I can tell which way immediately. One time I made it all the way home and had my shoes off and everything before I realized it was still on. The other day I almost tried to take a drink with my mask still on. When you wear it all day at work, a mask becomes like a hat or shoes: nice to take off, but you're not always conscious of wearing it. Buy it: Cute Impasta Italian Us Among Us Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Hot Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Golf Ball Shirt

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My dad isn't bothered, he just thinks it's a Hot Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Golf Ball Shirt . Then I mention to him that early on it was recommended that you have clean hands before putting on your mask - maybe they washed their hands and went to the store, then had to go to somewhere else but didn't feel their hands were clean enough to touch their mask again and again. Or maybe they're a ride-share driver and on their way to pick up a ride, so need to stay covered like a grocery store worker.  Buy it: Hot Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Golf Ball Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Grateful I’m A Louisiana Girl I’m Not Perfect But I’m Limited Edition Shirt

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Thanks! Honestly we are incredibly lucky Grateful I’m A Louisiana Girl I’m Not Perfect But I’m Limited Edition Shirt . My boys are different, sure, but they are both wonderful kids and in many ways better behaved than their peers. Surprisingly, they've adapted to this pandemic better than one would expect. They are stir crazy like all of us, but do an amazing job staying home as much as possible, and masking up when we do go out. Yes, same. Once I've gone out i dont take it off until i get home. Also I read that the average person touches their face like 20 times an hour so it prevents that. Buy it: Grateful I’m A Louisiana Girl I’m Not Perfect But I’m Limited Edition Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice Bend Over And I’ll Show You Christmas Shirt

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Id argue what you're arguing is a Nice Bend Over And I’ll Show You Christmas Shirt. Everyone fucks up, but to actively aggress when you have the option to either accept the guilt and try to improve for the better, or simply to at least ignore it and not engage... that's a sign of someone who can't check their ego. And let's say you don't have passengers but are making a few stops. Not having to bother with putting on your mask is a plus. The only ones we need to worry about are children and anyone who is mentally incapable of making decisions for themselves. Buy it: Nice Bend Over And I’ll Show You Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Original Golden Crewneck Shirt

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I sewed my own masks and they tie on with an Original Golden Crewneck Shirt. If I’m going to back to back stores I’m not gonna bother to untie and retie my mask 5 times. It’s not worth the effort.  I used the first pattern in this link, but instead of elastic I have a ribbon in each corner that you tie behind your head. When I made my masks there was no elastic to be bought. The mask is made of non stretch materials and once it’s on it’s on, because I wanted to not have have to constantly mess with my mask at work. Buy it: Original Golden Crewneck Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cute Property Protected By High Speed Wireless Device Gun Shirt

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I travel the state of the Cute Property Protected By High Speed Wireless Device Gun Shirt. I can't tell you how many people Ive seen screaming at the people who do the screening or how many use the phrase "I have a medical condition." I've been yelled and had people scream at me because Im in scrubs and wearing a mask and Im trying to cause "fear". I work in pharmacy cleanroom environments. The scrubs are just underneath the damn full, sterile tyvek suit, sterile gloves, head cover and face mask I have to wear to do my job. But to follow me and belittle me because I just got off work or going to work... Oklahoma is a shitshow. Im convinced we haven't even begun to see the devastation that these colder months will bring. Buy it: Cute Property Protected By High Speed Wireless Device Gun Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice Men Who Wear Masks Properly Will Eat Your Pussy Shirt

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I've been there once and, as somebody with pretty Nice Men Who Wear Masks Properly Will Eat Your Pussy Shirt , I have never felt more comfortable in my life. I saw two women walking down the street with just stickers covering their nipples and vulva and the rest of their "clothes" were literally paint. I also saw a man with a rather large gash in his forehead that was still bleeding. none of them turned any heads. I figure nobody gave a shit whether or not my outfit looked ok. Oh man, I hadn't thought about it in a long time, but you're right. There's this weird paradox of anonymity in crowded places like that. Buy it: Nice Men Who Wear Masks Properly Will Eat Your Pussy Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Grateful Expensive Skin Shirt

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I love this part of living in the Grateful Expensive Skin Shirt . My working theory is always that I am at most the second weirdest person anyone will see on a given day, which makes me feel a lot less self conscious if I’m laughing out loud at a podcast on the subway or dragging furniture across town or whatever. I had to work in NY for a couple months. One time on a train from Long island to Manhattan I witnessed two grown men having a dead serious angry and expletive filled argument over whether or not Batman could kick Superman's ass. It was odd.  Buy it: Grateful Expensive Skin Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Pretty I Got Your 6 Bro Some Phrases Make You Willing To Walk Into Hell Shirt

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To me, masks are like a Pretty I Got Your 6 Bro Some Phrases Make You Willing To Walk Into Hell Shirt . I don't have an issue at all wearing socks around all day that have probably gotten dirty from sweat, but wearing a pair of socks for an hour around the house then taking them off and putting them back on later just feels gross. Sorta the same with masks. I don't like putting on a dirty mask, but if I just leave it on the whole time, it's not an issue. It's drive throughs for me. I don't get in my truck with my mask on, but I do wear it at a drive through. I don't usually remember I can take it off right away because I'm focusing on driving.  Buy it: Pretty I Got Your 6 Bro Some Phrases Make You Willing To Walk Into Hell Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cool I Had The Right To Remain Silent But Being A Dutch I Didn’t Have The Ability Cow Shirt

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Ok, like 4 months ago something like this Cool I Had The Right To Remain Silent But Being A Dutch I Didn’t Have The Ability Cow Shirt . I was driving around just to get out of the house when I saw a car stopped facing the wrong direction (they were in a left turn lane for my side of the road but facing oncoming traffic) and as I started cursing about how fucking dumb Florida drivers were I see that the driver is wearing a normal face mask but the passenger is wearing a fucking hockey mask. Scared the absolute shit out of me. They ended up completing their dumbass illegal u turn and passing me a few minutes later, scaring me again. I've seen a lot of stupid shit down here but that one takes the cake. Buy it: Cool I Had The Right To Remain Silent But Being A Dutch I Didn’t Have The Ability Cow Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Pretty This Too Shall Pass Shirt

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And as an Albertan it kills me that Pretty This Too Shall Pass Shirt . I love my province but fuck me do I hate alot of people in it, constantly bombarded by either anti-mask or pro-trump crap all the time on facebook because of course they have to be super vocal about it all. Same here lol. I am an Albertan born U.S Permanent resident. Every time they talked about Trump or Oil it made me giga-cringe. It was so annoying that Alberta's economy tanked from their dependence on oil money and we lost thousands of job and instead of learning our lessons we have this pipe dream its coming back and rant about doubling down on oil again.  Buy it: Pretty This Too Shall Pass Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Good When One Door Closes Another One Nope I Nailed It Shut Vintage Retro Shirt

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The racist statements kept coming. He dismantled your Good When One Door Closes Another One Nope I Nailed It Shut Vintage Retro Shirt , undermined your systems, betrayed you and your virtues at every turn. Attacked the UN, NATO, and the WHO. Locked up kids, tore apart families, poured gasoline on all the worst fires. Scandal after scandal, offense after offense, crime after crime. He never missed a chance to make more chaos and hate. At this point the cool kid is naked, doing a headstand with legs spread, shitting diarrhea and trying to catch the flow in his mouth and spit it at us.  Buy it: Good When One Door Closes Another One Nope I Nailed It Shut Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

She Works Willingly With Her Hands Shirt

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I'm really scared for a She Works Willingly With Her Hands Shirt. If trump loses this time around he's going to convince his nutcase minions that the election was stolen. He will not go quietly, and the U.S. is going to be in a world of hurt until January. I think he'll try to incite so much civil unrest that his white supremicist followers are just going to start executing people in the streets. I hope it doesn't come to that, but it wouldn't surprise me either. I hope Biden wins just so you guys can finally have a leader that takes Covid seriously. Buy it:  She Works Willingly With Her Hands Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Premium Sex Panther Cologne It Works Every Time Shirt

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Meh there is a higher percentage of Trumpies here than other parts of the Premium Sex Panther Cologne It Works Every Time Shirt . However a recent poll showed that Alberta would be a very deep blue state if we were to vote in this election. Glancing at 538 it would be as clear a win for Dems as any state based off the 68-32 margin. 32 is still higher than I would like but for the most conservative part of Canada that still shows the difference between our two nations. Buy it: Premium Sex Panther Cologne It Works Every Time Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Horse I Love This Post Shirt

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Dear Canada, I’m truly sorry trump is President. I’m am truly sorry America had so many Horse I Love This Post Shirt who fell for this grifter and his family. I have never voted Republican. I mean honestly, what’s a rich Republican ever going to do for me but steal my hard earned money. Again, I apologize. Am Canadian in the middle of conservative country, can confirm. The loud Trump supporters are steadily outnumbered these days unless you're in very rural areas.  Buy it:  Horse I Love This Post Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

This Weekend Can’t My Son Shirt

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The insults don’t bother any This Weekend Can’t My Son Shirt . We know Drumpf is a fucking loser in way over his head. We want him gone because of the threat of economic instability - threats of tariffs, the fact he can’t be trusted to honour deals, etc. But we also want him gone because we have basic empathy. He is a fascist asshole. A racist, most likely a rapist, and he has enabled the most vocal, active disgusting element in any country. He has emboldened the scum of the earth and walked back civil rights and civil discourse decades. His petty insults mean NOTHING. His policy, however, is unconscionable.  Buy it:  This Weekend Can’t My Son Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Premium Life Without Ballet Would Be Pointeless Eyes Shirt

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Trump's gutting of environmental protections and denial of climate change and science in general is a Premium Life Without Ballet Would Be Pointeless Eyes Shirt , regardless of what his minority of cultists have been brainwashed with, most the modern world sees the importance of him being gone, Russia and China want him in, because he's actively dismantling the USA empire and breaking alliances. The whole world except for Russia and China won’t Trump defeated. If the whole world can see this there’s no excuse for a good chunk of Americans to be oblivious to this. Buy it: Premium Life Without Ballet Would Be Pointeless Eyes Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Muscles And Mascara Vintage Retro Shirt

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Here I am seeing Biden's corruption as a Muscles And Mascara Vintage Retro Shirt to see Americans turning a blind eye to it because they dislike "Trump" at least you ain't going to be sold out to the Chinese with the Trump. As a Canadian, I take issue with the headline insinuating that we only hate Trump because he insults Canada. I don’t care if says Canada is more attractive than he thinks his own daughter is - we don’t like him cause he’s a racist, homophobic, nepotistic asshole. His opinion of my country doesn’t impact that. Yeah, I think pretty much anybody with a rational brain is against these fucking oligarchs. Buy it:  Muscles And Mascara Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cool Life Happens Running Helps Shoes Vintage Retro Shirt

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American here. For all you wondering how the Cool Life Happens Running Helps Shoes Vintage Retro Shirt got into office, Trump was TV personality known for being obnoxious and he jokingly floated the idea of running for President a few times before he actually did. No one, including many senior republicans took him as a serious candidate. McCain, Bush jr., Powell, Romney, have famously been crotical of him. Rand Paul, and Pence, who were originally critical have since changed their tune. During the election cycle Left-leaning news networks such CNN and MSNBC would give Trump lots of coverage thinking his inflamatory statements would hurt him and paint republicans at large as a bunch of buffoons.  Buy it: Cool Life Happens Running Helps Shoes Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Jolliest Bunch Of Aholes This Inde Of The Nuthouse Shirt

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Furthermore, significant aspects of the Jolliest Bunch Of Aholes This Inde Of The Nuthouse Shirt . And while it's fun to blame the decline in Canada's manufacturing job numbers on foreigners, the dollar-inflationary effects of the Alberta oil-boom (not to mention their labour pricing effects)--and the Harper government's failure to mitigate them--are far more responsible for the decline of Ontario and Quebec's manufacturing heartland. Canada is a trade-dependent country because Canada has lots of things to trade. Because we're good at getting other people to buy our products. Buy it:  Jolliest Bunch Of Aholes This Inde Of The Nuthouse Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Funny Truck Merry Christmas Y’all Shirt

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Only in the Funny Truck Merry Christmas Y’all Shirt . He would fit quite comfortably in Jacinda Ardern’s centre-left Labour Party here, and would be out-lefted even by some other members of it. Let alone the actual left party (Green) here. Even there Trump support is pretty weak, which is pretty damning for Donald considering that sub is dominated by the most fringe-y right wing edgelord voices in the whole country. Canadian conservatives are like “sure I’d love privatized health care, unregulated open-carry handguns for all, and an end to any pro-diversity and equality measures, but Donald Trump is a bit too much for me”. Buy it: Funny Truck Merry Christmas Y’all Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Colorful Unicorn Touch My Wine I Will Slap You So Hard Shirt

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Canadian here. I was born and raised in a Colorful Unicorn Touch My Wine I Will Slap You So Hard Shirt . I knew almost everyone who lived there. I also kept abreast of everything in my medium sized province. And I kept aware of Canadian politics and current events. And I was aware of what was going on in the US. So I had multiple different perspectives to observe and digest. Most Americans I've met believe the US is the centre of the universe and everyone wants to be an American. Most of them knew very little of what was going on outside their border.  Buy it: Colorful Unicorn Touch My Wine I Will Slap You So Hard Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Schnauzer Rainbow You Are My Sunshine Shirt

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Yeah, I was going to say, we don't really care that Schnauzer Rainbow You Are My Sunshine Shirt. More about the kids being torn from their parents arms, the police summarily executing people over forged cheques and drugs, the withdrawal from international treaties, the withdrawal from the WHO in the middle of the biggest pandemic in over a century. Pretty much. This is like being in a taxi where the driver is fall-down drunk and doing twice the speed limit the wrong way down the freeway at night with no headlights. I don't give a fuck that he's talking smack about us in the front - this fucker is going to kill us with his stupidity is my big concern. Buy it:  Schnauzer Rainbow You Are My Sunshine Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Pretty Fighter Aircraft Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Poster Shirt

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You're right, but as an American what I have learned is the Pretty Fighter Aircraft Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Poster Shirt , and you would think "well who would disagree that it's bad to separate children from parents?!" Turns out quite a bit. But I know a lot if these people and they are actually good people if you ran into them and needed help. So what it's shown me is just how much their morals, values, whatever you want to call them, are so deeply rooted in the GOP party itself, they literally idolize it, and they can't think straight when it comes to politics. It doesn't absolve them, but it's fascinating, and terrifying, to witness. Buy it: Pretty Fighter Aircraft Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Poster Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

To Keep Our Balance You Must Keep Moving Cat With Butterfly Shirt

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It's like watching your friend date a To Keep Our Balance You Must Keep Moving Cat With Butterfly Shirt , after breaking up with a pretty chill, normal dude. We love you America, we just want you to do better, dump this rebound. Romney, it makes me laugh you named him first because hes pretty much the only Republican currently that will stand up to trump and call him out on his bullshit. I can assure you as a Canadian I and many others would approve of Romney. Heck if we could vote, we probably would have voted for him instead of that piece of trash you have in office now. Buy it:  To Keep Our Balance You Must Keep Moving Cat With Butterfly Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Lovely Bulldog Tattoo Pug Life Shirt

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You're right, but as an American what I have a Lovely Bulldog Tattoo Pug Life Shirt . I made an anti trump post on Facebook regarding the 500 children without parents currently because of this admin, and you would think "well who would disagree that it's bad to separate children from parents?!" Turns out quite a bit. But I know a lot if these people and they are actually good people if you ran into them and needed help. So what it's shown me is just how much their morals, values, whatever you want to call them, are so deeply rooted in the GOP party itself, they literally idolize it, and they can't think straight when it comes to politics. It doesn't absolve them, but it's fascinating, and terrifying, to witness. Buy it: Lovely Bulldog Tattoo Pug Life Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Original Colby Covington Fuck Lebron Shirt

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Going way back since the Original Colby Covington Fuck Lebron Shirt . In their 9 years of government, they borrowed from the GOP playbook with constant attack ads after attack ads when no election was called. Remember attack ads at the gas station? I sure as hell did. To their credit, at least when they came into power in 2006 they HAD a platform, and did a decent job articulating that to the populace, even if it was a platform I vehemently disagreed with had I been old enough to vote back then. Since losing government, it really does look like they're trying every possible tack to throw shit at the government and see what sticks. Buy it: Original Colby Covington Fuck Lebron Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Rabbit Gluttonous Cereal Bunny Shirt

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I bring that up because you see a lot of that Rabbit Gluttonous Cereal Bunny Shirt , and even still now: people kicking and stamping their feet, saying they won't vote for anybody because their guy isn't running. There's a point where voting for nobody is a reasonable answer, when none of them support you at all, but Americans would historically take their ball and leave when one or two issues don't line up with a candidate. Or, just as likely, used that as an excuse to check out because they didn't want to participate to begin with. Buy it:  Rabbit Gluttonous Cereal Bunny Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Premium Redheads Are The Reason Santa Has A Naughty List Shirt

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I'm increasingly worried about the Premium Redheads Are The Reason Santa Has A Naughty List Shirt , only attacks directed at Justin Trudeau personally. It might rile up their base, but it shows a distinct lack of character and tact to me. Meanwhile, they have no plan for global warming, in fact, what little they have managed to articulate will contribute to making it worse. They have a major segment of the party dedicated to imposing regressive social values including anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion policies. They're also the only party dedicated to dividing Canada by pushing a narrative of Western Alienation. As a westerner, I find that sort of rhetoric alienating. Buy it: Premium Redheads Are The Reason Santa Has A Naughty List Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Once Upon A Time There Was A Boy Who Really Wanted To Become A Pilot It Was Me The End Shirt

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His response to COVID alone puts our Once Upon A Time There Was A Boy Who Really Wanted To Become A Pilot It Was Me The End Shirt . His brand of "telling it like it is" is creating and empowering factions of fascists within Canada. And he's terrible at cooperating on literally anything, and cooperation has always been the keystone for our countries. It isn't just where you're getting it from. Canada doesn't have this pigheaded idea that ignoring politics is exercising freedom, or that an obligation to listen to it is oppression. Americans neglected to take politics seriously, even going out of their way stigmatizing doing so, and this is what that brought them.  Buy it:  Once Upon A Time There Was A Boy Who Really Wanted To Become A Pilot It Was Me The End Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Funny Sarcasm Is My Super Power Shirt

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A big thing for Albertans is the Funny Sarcasm Is My Super Power Shirt and Gas industry. More specifically right now Alberta is trying to build pipelines. One big one going into the states (Keystone XL), and another pipeline to Canada’s west coast. Joe Biden has stated that he’ll cancel the US Keystone XL pipeline if elected, which upsets Albertans as they’ve had quite a few projects canceled by Alberta NDP and federal Liberals. So that’s one big reason why you’ll find a lot of Trump supporters in Alberta.  Buy it: Funny Sarcasm Is My Super Power Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Slam Cover Rock L.A. Familia Shirt

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Cns someone explain this Slam Cover Rock L.A. Familia Shirt ? Like sure I know other leaders but I surely don't celebrate and fanboi for them...why do they do it for Trump? I've had a few conversations of people on reddit who were pro Trump and not from here. Besides international relations, what does one have at stake to keep up, and admire, another countries politicians? I think a part of it is Canadian and American culture is so close but so far. We look south for all the exciting stuff, I know a lot of twenty something's like myself who don't know the first thing about our local gov but are really into American politics.  Buy it:  Slam Cover Rock L.A. Familia Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Top ARA Management LLC Shirt

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When my mom did a little more Top ARA Management LLC Shirt , she realized the assistant was actually taking over an hour to run the reports, and had stopped using the template. The assistant was rebuilding the entire spreadsheet by hand each time, and was calculating all the numbers with her desk calculator instead of using the template’s formulas. She had mistyped a few times on the desk calculator, leading to the errors. When questioned, the assistant said she didn’t trust computers to do the math correctly... Excel proficiency was one of the top requirements on the job posting when the assistant had been hired. Buy it: Top ARA Management LLC Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Native Soul Flower Shirt

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I worked a sawmill for a short while as a Native Soul Flower Shirt. Stopped the cuber a few times to tell him the saw was misaligned. He got pissed at me and threw a hissy, so I stopped correcting him about the saw. An hour later the packer gets the foreman because my grades are all 4s, all of them. I get some shit of course... But the cuber knew it was his fault and fixed everything up after. Paid by the piece after all, so it was in his best interest. Entirely true in office jobs and probably all walks of life. “Manpower” is a measure not a metaphor. One person can do any range of tasks but each task still takes the same amount of time for each person until the process itself is improved upon. Buy it:  Native Soul Flower Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Grateful You’ve Been Served Tennis Player Shirt

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I have family and friends in a Grateful You’ve Been Served Tennis Player Shirt . Some of the stories I hear are fascinating with regards to simple inefficiencies because one guy doesn't know about a script the another tech uses to complete a specific task in a much shorter time. It's really bad in Tech (and I assume many other disciplines) because skillsets overlap and there is general understanding but it's very unrealistic to expect the Sr CCIE tech to be equally good as the Linux Admin in Linux and vice verse. Yet, oftentimes they'll both interact with elements their counterparts are more proficient in.  Buy it: Grateful You’ve Been Served Tennis Player Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Have A Pawsome Christmas Bulldog Shirt

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To further this LPT: If there's many people that do this Have A Pawsome Christmas Bulldog Shirt , use some of that hour wait time to document a procedure that would step anyone through performing the task with similar efficiency. Continue to re-write and refine it, make it formal. Then some time in the future, a few months prior to any annual review you may have with management, send an email to your manager and cc their manager that you've developed a process to allow employees to do process x more efficiently, and should save the company approximately $y (calculate the saved time by hourly rate, by number of times the task is performed per year by all employees). Buy it:  Have A Pawsome Christmas Bulldog Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Official You Can Take This Guy Out Of Wyoming But He’ll Always Be A Wyoming Guy Vintage Retro Shirt

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I'm dealing with this right now. I'm doing an Official You Can Take This Guy Out Of Wyoming But He’ll Always Be A Wyoming Guy Vintage Retro Shirt that is normally handled by a different group and takes a couple of months. The usual group gave us and the customer a timeline of when things should be done by. The lead of the project (who doesn't normally do it) has been adamant the whole time that the work shouldn't take the whole allotted time and that the usual crew must just be lazy or bad at their jobs for needing that much time. Well we've had a lot of delays due to predictable issues that are out of our hands and at the moment we are right on schedule. Like sure theoretically the work could only take a month but that isn't realistic.  Buy it: Official You Can Take This Guy Out Of Wyoming But He’ll Always Be A Wyoming Guy Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nie Wiem Nie Znam Sie Nie Orientuje Sie Zarobiony Jestem Shirt

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You need to consider that especially when it comes to banking the  Nie Wiem Nie Znam Sie Nie Orientuje Sie Zarobiony Jestem Shirt within a lot of banks infrastructure that is usually patched over with middleware and supported by all kinds of nonsense to keep the thing going. Now you are hired as a CTO or CIO for a bank are you going to take the risk of doing these core system updates and if you fail get fired and ruin your reputation in that position? Or ride it out until you get your golden handshake and let the next person deal with it? In 2012 the Royal Bank of Scotland failed with software updates and that was a complete shit show.  Buy it:  Nie Wiem Nie Znam Sie Nie Orientuje Sie Zarobiony Jestem Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Original Surfing And Beer It’s Not Tragic To Die Doing What You Love Shirt

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I see this sort of thing an Original Surfing And Beer It’s Not Tragic To Die Doing What You Love Shirt. I've had to tell people that they really don't want me to finish any faster than I'm already working at it. You have to tailor both the speed and quality as a product demands it. For anything involving safety, you take your damn time... and then you verify or perform redundant checks. I would never ever feel comfortable handing off something that shoddily made and a risk to someone's life. Exactly. The new kid when he did it in one came & told me, I told him I wanted to spend 4 hours buffing all the brass and that he could reseal the fibreglass and that while he was doing that it would give him time to make sure he hadn't missed anything. Buy it: Original Surfing And Beer It’s Not Tragic To Die Doing What You Love Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Lil Dicky X Staycool Courtside Shirt

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If a task normally takes some  Lil Dicky X Staycool Courtside Shirt that you've missed a key element or process so you should probably ask your direct report to review your work and ask if you've missed something. Glad someone mentioned this. I worked at a spray in truck bedliner place, and a typical truck would take us a little under 2 hours from start to finish. A manager from another place came in one day to borrow something and just mentioned to the owners that it took his guys like 30 minutes to do a truck. My boss straight up told the dude, "If my guys start doing trucks in 30 minutes I'm going to fire all of them." Buy it:  Lil Dicky X Staycool Courtside Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Flamingo Christmas Ornament Tree Xmas Shirt

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I hate how matter of voter turnout became a Flamingo Christmas Ornament Tree Xmas Shirt . Almost every citizen should vote, even if they don't care strongly about politics. Radicalization towards either wing happens because more extreme on the either wing someone is, more likely that they will vote. Yeah the article kinda makes that assumption as well. I’d agree, except Texas is pretty big on voter suppression so it does have an impact on the election. We’ll see what comes though. It’s certainly an exciting time! Buy it:  Flamingo Christmas Ornament Tree Xmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Nice Life Is Full Of Important Choices Witch Vintage Retro Shirt

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Political parties do not just look at the Nice Life Is Full Of Important Choices Witch Vintage Retro Shirt . They look at the margin of victory. They look at the demographics. They look at voter history. They look at as much as they can to determine the strategy for the next election. If you do not vote in this election, then you can be sure you are not involved in planning for the next one either. And the cycle continues. We need to get out the vote. Everyone. I don't care if you identify as a Republican in Pelosi's district or a Democrat in McConnell's district. Go Vote. You will be counted. Buy it: Nice Life Is Full Of Important Choices Witch Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Grateful Kayaking Gets Me Wet Vintage Retro Shirt

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However, according to Dave Wasserman, who was one of the Grateful Kayaking Gets Me Wet Vintage Retro Shirt (he said she was in hot water 5 days before the election), the district level polling in Texas shows some not so good news for Trump. The one area where Biden is underperforming is surprisingly with Hispanic voters, but they are also notoriously difficult to poll due to language barriers, which is why polls are always so off in Nevada (they showed Trump ahead for most of 2016 and he ended up losing there). Polls in 2016 seemed to have underestimated Hillary in the sun belt but overestimated her in the rust belt.  Buy it: Grateful Kayaking Gets Me Wet Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Snake Tread On Me Shirt

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I feel like Beto should give you hope. He said something like a  Snake Tread On Me Shirt. While the loss sucked, it was the closest statewide vote in Texas since at least 1992, with the Democrat losing by 2.5% (the second closest I found was all the way back to Clinton vs Bush in 1992, Clinton lost by 3.5%, but mostly because Perot siphoned off 22% of the vote as a third party). The gun thing wasn't during the senate race. That was at the end of his democratic primary bid when he was way down in polls and struggling to stay relevant. The "we'll take your guns" comments ultimately didn't help him with the primary. Buy it:  Snake Tread On Me Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Pretty Wolf To My Son My Love For You Is Forever Love Mom Poster Shirt

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At the end of the day, Trump made alot of promises about the  Pretty Wolf To My Son My Love For You Is Forever Love Mom Poster Shirt that got white voters in the state to vote for him. He didn't follow through and people here are sick of his race baiting and general lack of empathy. We still have the whole pro life crowd, MAGA worshipers, and racists who will stan Trump to the end, but all my friends who refused to vote or voted third party are voting Dem this go around, and several friends who have never voted for a democrat in their life plan on voting for democrats down ticket this year...  Buy it: Pretty Wolf To My Son My Love For You Is Forever Love Mom Poster Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

I’m A New York Girl I’m Not Perfect But I’m Limited Edition Shirt

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I think it’s also strategic. Jones is absolutely running on an I’m A New York Girl I’m Not Perfect But I’m Limited Edition Shirt. I have a Jones sign in my yard but I won’t put anything else out there because I want people to know ITS OKAY to vote for a competent and experienced Senator that you sometimes disagree with, even if you can’t get off the Trump Train. His mailers even tell you how to split your ticket to vote for him. Yep. It’s the reason why my house doesn’t have a Biden sign but I spray painted a pumpkin blue for Democrat and put it on my porch. I don’t want my house to be vandalized by pissed of Trump supporters when he loses. Buy it:  I’m A New York Girl I’m Not Perfect But I’m Limited Edition Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt