Premium Este Increible Pertenece A Shirt
Let’s get to her awakening. She pressured by everyone, she has to be the best. She has to win the gymnast competition. And people keep the Premium Este Increible Pertenece A Shirt. She faced “Sumire”, who we thought was the dead sister. IF she was indeed Kasumi, it makes perfect sense, since her dead sister became her source of motivation. But now we know she was actually facing herself. Oh hey, it’s actually reminiscent of Persona 4! Accepting your dark side to unleash your true self. But no Sumire instead says “I AM KASUMI YOSHIZAWA” and awakens her Persona. With that being said, she awakens her Persona based on “Kasumi”–based on a twisted cognitive orchestrated by Maruki. And I personally think it’s wrong on so many levels because Persona is a manifestation of one’s resolution. One has to be strong and fully accepting their true selves. For example, in Persona 4 Teddie was so insecure about his identity that his own shadow actually manifested, challenging him unless he finds his true self. Even Haru needs a Premium Este Increible Pertenece A Shirt. But here, this… person with fake facade can actually get a Persona? What a convenient plot point, all the while downgrading other thieves’ awakening. Oh, and if Cendrillon is “Kasumi”‘s Persona, shouldn’t Sumire awaken her own Persona when she accepts herself? No? She’ll hold unto Kasumi’s Persona? Okay.
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Buy it: Premium Este Increible Pertenece A Shirt

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