Awesome It’s Fine I’m Fine Everything’s Fine Shirt
Hahaha, horrible caption aside, I would love to see my husband’s face if I asked him to slide down an Awesome It’s Fine I’m Fine Everything’s Fine Shirt. Yes, we do! Set it up and I’ll be co-captain, haha! My husband was a rig manager for a long time. But he’s back down to drilling since the company he’s working for stacked hella rigs. He’s out in West Texas. Driller! We are on the Central California Coast. My Husband’s been thinking about moving us to Texas. A few of his hands have gone to Texas recently for some really great paying jobs. I just don’t like the schedule. 6 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Oh, the days of 7 on 7 off! I can’t remember when he was on a week on week off … He’s been at 2 weeks on 2 off for as long as I can remember. He’s actually venturing out and spending his 2 weeks off dedicating himself to his side hustle so he can build it up and eventually get out. Being away from me and our kids half their lives is taking an Awesome It’s Fine I’m Fine Everything’s Fine Shirt. He’s been doing it since a week after he turned 18 when we found out I was pregnant with our oldest. I was 16. And Since about year 2 in the Oilfields, he has been saying he wants to change careers. But, 16 years later here we are. Same ole same. Our 15-year-old son came to me tonight with some troubling news and my hubby’s been blaming himself for being gone half his life even tho it isn’t even like that cause he is doing it for our 3 kids to have a good comfortable life.
Buy it: Awesome It’s Fine I’m Fine Everything’s Fine Shirt

Buy it: Awesome It’s Fine I’m Fine Everything’s Fine Shirt

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