Cute Deadpool I’m A Unicorn Shirt
The strategy is sound but your timeframe of 4 weeks for a new player to compete is way off the mark. It’s not possible to develop 4 T8 sure to win high power teams in even 2 months an of play from scratch. Even when a fresh player does manage to get to that point, the Cute Deadpool I’m A Unicorn Shirt. So the goalposts will have moved and you’ll need 5 or 6 teams and 1.5 million points. New F2P players will always be lagging behind like this. I started 4 weeks ago to the day. I’ve got 1 team that can do it reliably for the earlier fights, probably for 8-4 too. And one other team that can do like 8-1 reliably but nothing higher. Folks who are behind now will stay behind unless Blitz is adjusted somehow. That’s true even if they maximize their daily gains. I’m pretty much using that lineup. Once I start getting past T6, things start getting dicey. I don’t know if it’s gear or shards or what. The power level difference starts making matches iffy. If you can get to 8-1, you can throw the next match with a Cute Deadpool I’m A Unicorn Shirt. As long as you have a pretty big roster, you should be able to do this without using too many charges on the junk teams. If you can win fairly reliably in 8-2, it’s much better because you get two real matches for every thrown match, but still. The key is to keep an eye out for the right match-ups, and playing them correctly is really important.
Buy it: Cute Deadpool I’m A Unicorn Shirt

Buy it: Cute Deadpool I’m A Unicorn Shirt

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