Cute Dogs I Love You Antidepressants Shirt
Excellent write-up! What a sad yet interesting case. I hadn’t heard of this one before. I’m going to have to do some more research before I come up with a theory. But the husband definitely rubs me the wrong way in more ways than one. Disappearances are just the Cute Dogs I Love You Antidepressants Shirt. I think the families in disappearance cases would almost rather find a body than have no resolution at all. I feel for her daughter especially. As a volunteer firefighter, he would’ve had his radio on at all times. Meaning as soon as PD got on the scene of a burning car, they would’ve called for fire. He would’ve been woken up by dispatch calling for volunteers to respond- not the police knocking at his door. Also, how could he be a volunteer firefighter, but also disabled and unable to work? This was my first thought, too, but then I thought if the license plates were the kind where the number is punched into them. Perhaps the plates survived the fire and they used the plate number to look up the owners/address? I’ve no idea if a license plate would survive a car fire, but it seems possible. Also worth noting is that Saturns had plastic body panels, these would probably have burned away fairly easily. Certainly easier than the body of a Cute Dogs I Love You Antidepressants Shirt. As such, a car fire that reduced a Saturn to its frame may not have necessarily been as hot, nevertheless, it would be hot enough to keep anyone from approaching.
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