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Well, if given the money to buy, setup, and maintain proper equipment. I’m guessing this is partly why some clients don’t give IT money and saddle us with too much work. Most of us couldn’t care less about what’s in your browser history or your documents folder. Unless you give us a reason… On the ship, it was a Premium When The Ladies Get Hot HVAC They Call Me Vintage Shirt. But if you pissed off IT they would pull your browser history and give it to the chain of command. Any time I see a sailor get in trouble for internet porn I wonder how he pissed off IT. Surprisingly, how many people think they can fuck with the people that handle INFORMATION for a living. True story one day the company is there the next they are gone. Indeed. After I left, I still had full access to all the systems, as the one guy left was the desktop support dude from the construction company. He didn’t have the first clue how to operate any of the systems. And, even so, I had so many credentials. That it would take the Pope to exorcise me from their systems. I could have remotely shut down or completely deleted the entirety of their Premium When The Ladies Get Hot HVAC They Call Me Vintage Shirt. However, besides being incredibly illegal, if it ever gets out that an IT guy did something like that to an employer, their career is effectively over because no one will hire you. My goal was to fuck them raw through 100% legal and ethical actions.
Buy it: Premium When The Ladies Get Hot HVAC They Call Me Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Premium When The Ladies Get Hot HVAC They Call Me Vintage Shirt

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