Pretty Bulldog Don’t Scare Me I Fart Easily Shirt
The Venn Diagram of “diehard Mountain Goats fans” and “hardcore college football fans” are exclusively found on r/CFB. And I am here for it. My only quibble is that Alabama can’t be TBEDMBID because that’s a Pretty Bulldog Don’t Scare Me I Fart Easily Shirt. I’d give them Magpie, as sung to their enemies. I also feel like Tennessee could be Fall of the High School Running Back, not because of any thematic connection, but because losing your blue-chip prospect because he sold drugs to an undercover cop feels like an extremely Tennessee thing to happen. Also, Harlem Roulette is kind of perfect for Nebraska, come to think of it. Hits them both on former glory and leaving the Big XII. I’m gonna have a post in the morning that’s hopefully a spiritual successor to this one, though not tMG related. Love it! This post has me going through all my Mountain Goats albums now. And I’m so happy there’s such a big group of TMG fans alongside the CFB crew. Tallahassee is probably my Pretty Bulldog Don’t Scare Me I Fart Easily Shirt. I also like to recommend AJJ to Mountain Goats fans. Because for me they scratch the same kind of musical itch, though they’re not the same. Well, if you go back to the 20’s Alabama would be very much an underdog persevering against all odds…now we’re just persevering Bigly. I remember laughing my ass off in high school the first time I ever head The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton.
Buy it: Pretty Bulldog Don’t Scare Me I Fart Easily Shirt

Buy it: Pretty Bulldog Don’t Scare Me I Fart Easily Shirt

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