COVID Dietary Staff Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt
In theory, the difference shouldn’t be too bad in places like Curl. Since it’s not like they’re making the food any slower than they did before. How they handle Traditions is gonna be interesting though. They’re gonna have to figure something outright? Like I don’t mind if it’s cold but if it’s 30 and raining. And I gotta sprint my ass back to my dorm it’s gonna be a COVID Dietary Staff Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt. There isn’t really an alternative available to figure out. If we are still in this pandemic crisis in the middle of winter, honestly picking up food will be the least of OSU’s problems. OSU should either send everyone home, or accept that it’s going to be a mess and loosen things up so the campus is actually alive. They should do their best to protect at-risk groups but ultimately, there’s no point being on campus if life is this restricted. I mean, no restrictions and just let COVID spread rapidly among the local population isn’t an option. The best idea from a COVID Dietary Staff Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt. To rescind reopening the campus. That’s a genie we can’t put back in the bottle, though. Not until it ends up being a reaction to rising cases on campus.
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