Official I Am A Foo Fighters Girl Vintage Shirt
There’s something quite funny about the image of the fierce warrior of Imperial Japan Jintsuu shitting her panties at the sight of some mangy Dullahan. Don’t the Sakura have some onis among them? Meanwhile, Thorson acting like visits from the headless horseman something every yank used to. And is busy staring at Minneapolis’s underwear. Given how eager Minnie was to come to his Official I Am A Foo Fighters Girl Vintage Shirt. And how OK the captain with her leaving, sounds like Minneapolis stuck with a Kansen-unfriendly captain. Thorson should be nicer. Yikes. That hallucination of Surigao was frightening! 0_0 And apparently Yamashiro’s reaction was because the Sirens showed her images of timelines where Surigao Strait happened as OTL. I wonder, is that part of how Akaga enthralls the other ships? Showing them images of timelines where the Union sinks them repeatedly until their minds break? Unnerving thought. Also, I think this is the first time the Siren’s ability to screw with the timeline has played a role in the Official I Am A Foo Fighters Girl Vintage Shirt. I do hope this plot thread gets picked up again at some point, and not forgotten.
Buy it: Official I Am A Foo Fighters Girl Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Official I Am A Foo Fighters Girl Vintage Shirt

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