Pitbull Sunflower In A Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Vintage Shirt
I’m really sorry and I know your Uncle Tom is now probably an elderly man now but I would like to beat his ass into the ground. Probably to death. I would still like to piss on his Pitbull Sunflower In A Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Vintage Shirt. And I’ll save up bags of guinea pig poop and dump/smear it all on his grave over his name and everything. This fucking hurt to read, I almost cried. Your uncle was an asshole and big shocker that he had a stupid fucking German Shepherd. Of course, the first thing he mentions is dogs capable of love. He a selfish self-centered piece of shit through and through. God this enrages me to my core. And your uncle sounds like one of the worst human beings that I’ve ever heard of. I am so sorry you went through that. That kind of thing sticks with you. Rabbits are gentle creatures that mean nobody any harm. Back in the 90s, I had a Pitbull Sunflower In A Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Vintage Shirt. And I was crushed. I told a coworker about it and he said something to the effect of. “I don’t see why you so upset. It’s only a rabbit”. It took every ounce of self-restraint not to stab the motherfucker in the face with the pen I was holding.
Buy it: Pitbull Sunflower In A Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Pitbull Sunflower In A Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Vintage Shirt

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