Scott 20 Schrute I Want People To Be Afraid Of How Much They Love Me Shirt
I was recently diagnosed with cancer and that made me afraid. Funny thing is I never thought I would be but now I am. I’m mostly afraid of not being able to experience things in my life that I would want to experience. Like marrying my SO, buy our first home, go on vacation, etc. I’m also afraid of what my death would do to my partner and parents. And of course, I’m afraid of the Scott 20 Schrute I Want People To Be Afraid Of How Much They Love Me Shirt. And dying alone in some hospitals. So yeah, let’s hope I will recover and not have to think about this for another 50ish year. I’m sorry you had to go through this, it sucks. I really truly wish you all the years and experiences you want. I’m sorta in the same boat. I got diagnose in 2019, a few months before I turned 30. Not a day passes by that Scott 20 Schrute I Want People To Be Afraid Of How Much They Love Me Shirt, I don’t think about my mortality. I’m not necessarily afraid of death as much as I am afraid of dying a slow and painful death. Also, I want to live and experience things. I’d like to marry my SO, have kids, have grandkids, etc. I asked God for 45 years(5 short of your 50ish). I’m not even sure what form He/She/It takes(or is real) and if my wish will be granted(He/She/It certainly isn’t obligated to do anything for me) but it doesn’t hurt to ask and I’m not afraid to ask. Here’s to hoping we get the time we asked for, maybe even more.
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Buy it: Scott 20 Schrute I Want People To Be Afraid Of How Much They Love Me Shirt

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