When Guns Are Outlawed I’ll Become An Outlaw Halloween Shirt
I was surprised by how lame Bernie’s answer was. He’s trying to make a pure Fudd appeal. I promise I won’t take those guns, as opposed to someone like Castro who doesn’t hide his disdain for all guns. I think he is couching a mild to moderate stance on Fudd language. Basically specifically calling “fully automatic” weapons to be military. Style allows him to not make a When Guns Are Outlawed I’ll Become An Outlaw Halloween Shirt. And allows him to push gun CONTROL but not gun bans outside of automatic weaponry. I think it is still bs by and large but he is doing a decent job in not overreaching. Oh yeah, I suppose that can apply to Bernie as well, but I was thinking more of Swalwell claiming to be such a strong supporter of the right to own handguns, shotguns, and rifles with wood stocks. The PLCAA is a really good litmus test. If you support even the most basic right of Americans to bear arms, allowing gun manufactures. To be bankrupted by frivolous lawsuits is diametrically opposed to that. Billionaire gun control advocates are salivating at the opportunity to bring lawsuit after lawsuit against manufacturers. And will if given the When Guns Are Outlawed I’ll Become An Outlaw Halloween Shirt. Bernie was right, to begin with, and I lost a lot of respect for him when he flipped on that.
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Buy it: When Guns Are Outlawed I’ll Become An Outlaw Halloween Shirt

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