Book And Apple Retired Teacher Like A Regular Teacher Only Happier Vintage Retro Shirt
They think socialized healthcare = Book And Apple Retired Teacher Like A Regular Teacher Only Happier Vintage Retro Shirt. It is hard to explain to people outside the situation that a HUGE swath of America - particularly the deep South and midwest - live in a literal fantasy land. When I lived in the South, just about everyone (including many centrists/Democrats) honestly believes that nations with socialized healthcare do not care for the elderly, the disabled, etc. They believe Europeans routinely murder the elderly via forced euthanasia, that the streets are filled with the disabled in rags, and that any essential service including an ER visit has a waiting list of years.
Buy it: Book And Apple Retired Teacher Like A Regular Teacher Only Happier Vintage Retro Shirt

Buy it: Book And Apple Retired Teacher Like A Regular Teacher Only Happier Vintage Retro Shirt

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