RIP A Legend Chadwick Boseman 1977-2020 Shirt
A large number of Americans don't see themselves as members of a RIP A Legend Chadwick Boseman 1977-2020 Shirt, they see themselves as individuals with a constitution that grants them personal freedom. Like the freedom to say 'fuck helping society!' while fiercely waving the flag. The difference with universal health care is that everyone gets covered, everyone who pays taxes pays, the risk pool is exponentially larger, so it's cheaper across the board for everyone. There's also the fact that anyone who has insurance, already pays for other people's health care because that's how insurance fucking works.
Buy it: RIP A Legend Chadwick Boseman 1977-2020 Shirt

Buy it: RIP A Legend Chadwick Boseman 1977-2020 Shirt

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