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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

Lovely Merry Christmas Friends The Peanuts Shirt

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To stave off the Lovely Merry Christmas Friends The Peanuts Shirt, STOP putting any trust in republicans. Why? They chose to obfuscate harsh realities with anti-science rhetoric aka lies rather than deal with reality head on. Talking the reality that humanity has over consumed repeatedly, enough so, that it wears out nature’s rubber band resilience to rebound and recover enough to keep existing. Humanity is the major driver of the mass extinction we’re all in right now. If you care about the future of humankind, vote for the party which uses science to understand reality. Democrats do science. Trust them this time. Buy it: Lovely Merry Christmas Friends The Peanuts Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice More Than A Feeling 45 Years 1975 2020 Boston Shirt

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So the perfect counter to that strategy would be for Nice More Than A Feeling 45 Years 1975 2020 Boston Shirt to immediately declare that he won at 7pm. Then Trump can't make the initial argument that a recount would put "undue stress" on his image and start that (for some reason legal) process of stealing the election. There's obviously no penalty for being wrong about being the winner, and everybody knows that Trump is going to do that anyway. What scares me is the possibility that he will declare victory and instruct imply his supporters to stop further voting or vote-counting by any means necessary.. Buy it: Nice More Than A Feeling 45 Years 1975 2020 Boston Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Funny Nurse Snowman Love Christmas Shirt

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Ten minutes after the  Funny Nurse Snowman Love Christmas Shirt - actually who am I kidding, three hours before the last polls close Trump will declare victory. He will then instruct his own partisan AG to shut down counts and try and take it to the courts. The elections will hinge on local administrators performing their jobs, with insane pressures from the federal government to stop, and with the media screaming both ways. This is going to be chaos. I was under the false impression that my election-related work would be done when the polls closed. But now it turns out that we might have to spend the next few weeks protesting theft of the election. Buy it: Funny Nurse Snowman Love Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Official Star Wars Chibi On The Naughty List And We Regret Nothing Shirt

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I hope you understand that we, the average joe people, have an Official Star Wars Chibi On The Naughty List And We Regret Nothing Shirt . Look at how many people wanted Bernie Sanders to get the dem nomination... Please republican brothers and sisters dont let these clowns create a false sense of anger towards liberals, they WANT us to fight they wont stop at nothing to fill their pockets with money and leave the american people stranded. Biden will have to switch from candidate to de facto leader on Election Day. If Trump tries to fraudulently declare himself winner, the American people will need to be told what to do to stop the coup. Us passing around that "10 steps to stop a coup" article is not enough. We will need a leader to give support and direction. Buy it: Official Star Wars Chibi On The Naughty List And We Regret Nothing Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Lovely Shrek I Am Tired Of Earth These People I Am Tired Of Being Caught In The Tangle Of Their Lives Shirt

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Im worried about a Lovely Shrek I Am Tired Of Earth These People I Am Tired Of Being Caught In The Tangle Of Their Lives Shirt. A dying demographic trying to force its will on everyone else. Which means they’ll be ok with trump doing extreme measures. Not only will they be ok with it, but they'll help him enforce that tyrannical state with guns. They're already showing us a preview of what their terrorist army will look like: pick up trucks, guns and flags just like ISIS. My mom, in one of her "evil democrat" rants said "now they're even acting like Trump is going to ignore the results and stay president if he loses," and when my sister and I pointed out that he actually said that himself she said "well if he can do that then more power to him." Buy it: Lovely Shrek I Am Tired Of Earth These People I Am Tired Of Being Caught In The Tangle Of Their Lives Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Good Santa Skull Sugar On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt

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The problem is the Good Santa Skull Sugar On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt that forms when he declares victory, and the right wing media adopt that stance. He becomes the "victor" and Biden is cast in the role of the challenger. Last time that happened, in 2000, it didn't end well for Democrats. Bush declared victory prematurely in Florida, Fox called it, then the rest is history. An argument could have been made that Gore was the winner, and the roles reversed, which may have led to a very different outcome. Buy it: Good Santa Skull Sugar On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cute Stranger Things And Studio Ghibli Shirt

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What about a Cute Stranger Things And Studio Ghibli Shirt ? With millions of unemployed people across the country there’s no way for them to participate in a traditional general strike. If most of us could plan to not spend any money for a few days or a week, that might hit them hard too. Whichever side of politics you are on, what is going on in the US with how this election is being handled should be absolutely terrifying to you. Even if you absolutely support the policies of either side and are desperate for them to win, it shouldn’t come at the cost of unhindered democratic processes. Buy it: Cute Stranger Things And Studio Ghibli Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Awesome Surfing And Beer Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Retro Shirt

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Then there's the notion that a bulk of the Awesome Surfing And Beer Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Retro Shirt but rather against the establishment and the last 8 years. For some people, Obama was not as great as he was for others, so Hilary Clinton representing four more years of the same thing was enough for them to roll the dice on the newcomer in Trump. Now Trump is the establishment so he cannot get the "shake em up" voting block again this election cycle. Between alienating his own constituency and going from outsider to establishment government head, Trump is going to lose a lot of the original votes he received and I sincerely doubt he's made up ground since then with anyone. Buy it: Awesome Surfing And Beer Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice The Devil Whispered To This Teacher Your Not Strong Enough To Withstand The Storm I Whispered Back You’re Shirt

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I'm not looking forward to hearing "Biden is just a Nice The Devil Whispered To This Teacher Your Not Strong Enough To Withstand The Storm I Whispered Back You’re Shirt " for the next who knows how long. Can someone knock me out for the next month (unless it's a Trump presidency again, and then just put me out of misery). I know 2016 taught us to be very skeptical of everything, but without even looking at the polls, 93 million people have already voted. There is still a fairly decent chance that when the polls close on Tuesday night that Trump will be getting crushed in a large number of states, including swing states. At that point, he'll be all about urging every ballot counted. Buy it: Nice The Devil Whispered To This Teacher Your Not Strong Enough To Withstand The Storm I Whispered Back You’re Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Hot Warning May Contain Whiskey Shirt

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Everyone talks about the  Hot Warning May Contain Whiskey Shirt because it’s statistically the most likely state that pushes Biden to 270, but wins in other states can make PA entirely irrelevant, especially given how long it’s going to take to get results from us. I’m with you. And I’m hopeful. I still believe in us as a country and I think we’ll all come together to bring him down. I’m looking for large majority blue across the country by midnight. I don't feel that it's been government actual responsible for this, more of the media making it clear when something is too early to call. Buy it: Hot Warning May Contain Whiskey Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Grateful Los Angeles Dodgers National League Champions 2020 World Series Signatures Shirt

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Everyone talks about PA because it’s statistically the most likely state that Grateful Los Angeles Dodgers National League Champions 2020 World Series Signatures Shirt, especially given how long it’s going to take to get results from us. No, no no no... Faithless Electors are December. First comes disallowing votes to be counted, and appealing vote counts to the courts. Then comes civil unrest if the courts fail to swing the election back once Trump starts screaming on Twitter about a liberal coup. That goes on for about a month. THEN, in mid-December, you have faithless electors. Then, after all that, you have to worry about him not leaving the white house. One thing at a time. Buy it: Grateful Los Angeles Dodgers National League Champions 2020 World Series Signatures Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cool LA World Series Champions World 2020 Series Shirt

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The tensions over the Cool LA World Series Champions World 2020 Series Shirt , but issues like federalism vs. Anti-Federalism and the banking system were also significant disagreements across the country. The dirty open secret of this country is that the Confederates never truly came back to the Union. We effectively have two nations vying for control of the Federal Government. It serves the less populated extreme right-wing nation to have the Electoral College, which is heavily weighted in their benefit. That nation has shown their hand during Trump and other Republican presidencies, that when they have power they seek to subjugate and eradicate the other. Buy it: Cool LA World Series Champions World 2020 Series Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Premium It’s The Most Wonderful World 2020 Series Time Of The Dodgers Shirt

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Also the whole part where we locked the Premium It’s The Most Wonderful World 2020 Series Time Of The Dodgers Shirt to a far larger set of people than was originally intended. If we remodeled the system to have more electors reflective of population rather than reflective of Congress we would improve the system greatly. The early US was more analogous to the EU than it was a singular nation. Throughout US history there has been constant argument on the autonomy of states. If you discuss this with people of certain political persuasions, they enter the realm of doublethink. They will profess the US is one country, while straight up advocating for the independence and sovereignty of states. Buy it: Premium It’s The Most Wonderful World 2020 Series Time Of The Dodgers Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cute Swimming Talent Loading Please Wait Vintage Retro Shirt

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It stems from what is called “the great Cute Swimming Talent Loading Please Wait Vintage Retro Shirt ” which lead to our two chamber legislative system. The states with smaller populations wanted to ensure that their voice was heard, leading to the formation of two separate legislative bodies. The House of Representatives is scaled proportionately by population and the senate has two members from each state, regardless of size. This was a large reason that the US constitution was ratified in the first place. Though the house hasn't been updated to reflect current population numbers. It was intended to do that - it no longer does in practice. Buy it: Cute Swimming Talent Loading Please Wait Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Hot The Burlington Cheesecoat Factory Shirt

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Seriously that would be so amazing if Biden ends up ahead from the Hot The Burlington Cheesecoat Factory Shirt . At what point does he start railing on his supporters and throwing them under the bus for not reelecting him? I really need this. No he’s going to say the election was stolen get down to those ballots and then during the uprising he’s going to declare victory that’s how you coup. I think there is a scary high likelihood we see terrorism/sabotage/possibly bombings in an attempt to destroy the physical paper trail in areas that have high blue turnout, and the hacking of machines and databases in states without paper trails in order to invalidate proof of victory. Buy it:  Hot The Burlington Cheesecoat Factory Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Premium Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Steelers Shirt

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Traffic just stopped for what felt like forever while these Premium Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Steelers Shirt and flying their flags. Several of them were leaning out and making obscene gestures at other motorists and trying to goad them in violence, and blasting air horns on to cars. It was one of the more terrifying things I’ve ever experienced. I encountered a "caravan" of Trump supporters in Colorado Springs yesterday headed South on Academy and on 4 different occasions each one, with at least one Trump or "Victory or Death" flag hanging proudly would refuse to allow me a left turn into a shopping plaza or finally a gas station. Assholes each one. SMH. Buy it: Premium Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Steelers Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Awesome Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Saints Shirt

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There is a lot of truth in that Awesome Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Saints Shirt . The problems in the US are complex and multi faceted, and though it isn't alone dealing with these issues, it will probably take a bit more of a generational update to really clean this crap out. And at the same time start teaching people early on how to think logically sniff out bs and keep asking why till you get an acceptable answer. During the 2000 Bush and Gore election, my 8th grade history teacher had us all write essays in support of a candidate. She was notorious for calling on students and having them read segments of their work aloud to the class. I was absolutely terrified to speak my truth as almost every single person in this class were staunch Dixie Outfitter types. Buy it: Awesome Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Saints Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cute The Cure Robert Smith Shirt

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The Cute The Cure Robert Smith Shirt in political beliefs between each generation is well known. Boomers are fiercely red, Gen X is more purplish, Millennials are mostly solid blue, and Zoomers are fucking neon blue. And what's more, I've routinely herd from teachers across the country that Zoomers are far kinder, more tolerant, and more supportive than we Millennials were, and that's a very good sign for our future. There will always be those of the opposite political beliefs to the majority in every generation, but the greater point is they're outnumbered and even then they're likely not as extreme as their older counterparts. Buy it: Cute The Cure Robert Smith Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice Ruth Bader Ginsburg The Book To Read Is Not The One That Thinks For You But The One Which Makes You Think Shirt

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Yep, I'm a late member of gen X (also a punk/indie rock guy) and thought for sure that by the Nice Ruth Bader Ginsburg The Book To Read Is Not The One That Thinks For You But The One Which Makes You Think Shirt I was well into adulthood, most of the old conservatices would croak and we'd be well on our way to progress and enlightenment. Hah! Unfortunately those same old conservative people pass down their short sighted political views to their children and the cycle just continues, even getting worse when you throw the Internet into the mix. If you believe that it's a small jump to believe that's part of the reason why Boomers and older GenX'ers are politically a bunch of dumbasses. And younger generations are less so. Buy it: Nice Ruth Bader Ginsburg The Book To Read Is Not The One That Thinks For You But The One Which Makes You Think Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Top Pumpkin High On Hellaweed Hallooween Shirt

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Those guys driving in a truck with a Top Pumpkin High On Hellaweed Hallooween Shirt that Trump said accompanied those caravans from Central America. Maybe we should ask some of those Trump fans whether they were funded by Soros and the Clinton Foundation. The guy who defended OJ Simpson actually defended dear president at his impeachment trial. Let's never forget that. Using the same tactics. His role was to cast doubt on the moral integrity of Jeffrey Epstein’s many rape victims. Most people who support this bullshit are terrified old people. They will become more impotent and perhaps lash out, but their voices will fade. Buy it: Top Pumpkin High On Hellaweed Hallooween Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Original Ralphie Brooke Nieter Elf Chevy Chase Grinch Face Friends Christmas Shirt

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The Republican plaintiffs, however, are pursuing a similar Original Ralphie Brooke Nieter Elf Chevy Chase Grinch Face Friends Christmas Shirt in federal court, hoping to get the votes thrown out by arguing that drive-thru voting violates the U.S. constitution. A hearing in that case is set for Monday morning in a Houston-based federal district court, one day before Election Day. Of course they did. That said, this was an incredibly conservative and partisan judge that didn't allow this. So there's at least a glimmer of hope this is upheld. It really says something when an ALL REPUBLICAN court rejects this. Buy it: Original Ralphie Brooke Nieter Elf Chevy Chase Grinch Face Friends Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Top Presidents Are Temporary Confederate Flag Is Forever Shirt

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The Republican plaintiffs, however, are pursuing a similar Top Presidents Are Temporary Confederate Flag Is Forever Shirt , hoping to get the votes thrown out by arguing that drive-thru voting violates the U.S. constitution. A hearing in that case is set for Monday morning in a Houston-based federal district court, one day before Election Day. A rejection of the votes would constitute a monumental disenfranchisement of voters — drive-thru ballots account for about 10% of all in-person ballots cast during early voting in Harris County.  Buy it: Top Presidents Are Temporary Confederate Flag Is Forever Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Hot Robert Lewandowski Golden Ball UEFA Champions 2019 2020 Signature Shirt

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Perhaps, just perhaps, this is the Hot Robert Lewandowski Golden Ball UEFA Champions 2019 2020 Signature Shirt of the real division between principled Republicans and the wing nuts that support Trump. I know it's unlikely but when a Republican appointed state supreme Court calls BS on this sort of thing I have hope. Curbside voting, long available under Texas election law, requires workers at every polling place to deliver onsite curbside ballots to voters who are “physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood of injuring the voter's health.”  Buy it: Hot Robert Lewandowski Golden Ball UEFA Champions 2019 2020 Signature Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Funny Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 2020 Shirt

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Republicans are such snowflakes. Everyone else has to play by the Funny Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 2020 Shirt while they go so far as to openly commit felonies and get protection from the police. I'm about to snap, fuck this country and its clear bias toward fascism. I hate every republican in existence. Fuck em at this point. I have a buddy I game with all the time who lives in Texas... good guy, but he fully believes that it’s the democrats who are trying to suppress the vote and mess with the election. He doesn’t like trump personality wise but agrees with his “policies?” and thinks he has done a lot for the economy and shockingly... the environment. Buy it: Funny Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Hot Stop The Spread Go Big Red Shirt

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The Republican plaintiffs, however, are pursuing a similar Hot Stop The Spread Go Big Red Shirt , hoping to get the votes thrown out by arguing that drive-thru voting violates the U.S. constitution. A hearing in that case is set for Monday morning in a Houston-based federal district court, one day before Election Day. A rejection of the votes would constitute a monumental disenfranchisement of voters — drive-thru ballots account for about 10% of all in-person ballots cast during early voting in Harris County. Their argument doesn’t make any sense at all. If the legal requirement for “standard” drive-through voting is that the voter cannot physically enter due to risk to their health. Buy it: Hot Stop The Spread Go Big Red Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Official Penny Lane 25 000 Pennies 250 000 2.5 Mil Shirt

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Frederick Douglass lamented during another of the Official Penny Lane 25 000 Pennies 250 000 2.5 Mil Shirt , the presidency of Andrew Johnson, “We ought to have our government so shaped that even when in the hands of a bad man, we shall be safe.” But that is not the nature of our democracy. The implicit optimism of American democracy is that the health of the Republic rests on the judgment of the electorate and the integrity of those voters choose. I will never understand how people who scream ‘America first’ and preach ‘freedom for everyone’ are so against America and their fellow Americans. Bunch of goobers if you ask me. Buy it: Official Penny Lane 25 000 Pennies 250 000 2.5 Mil Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Lovely Santa Snowman First Christmas With My Hot New Husband Shirt

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Elections are the domain of the Lovely Santa Snowman First Christmas With My Hot New Husband Shirt, but they still have to operate within the scope of the constitution due to its supremacy over state laws. For example, even though they have the right to administer their own elections, a state couldn't make a rule that only property owners can vote because that would be in violation of the constitution. That said, I'm not really sure how one could reasonably argue that allowing drive thru voting violates the constitution, but that's apparently what they're trying to do here. Buy it: Lovely Santa Snowman First Christmas With My Hot New Husband Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cool Willie Nelson Guitar Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die Shirt

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I have a theory that Primary Cool Willie Nelson Guitar Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die Shirt came back and they shit their fucking pants. 2/3 of my polling locations were closed in my suburb, and I waited 2.5 hours to vote during this election in a place I've never spent more than 2 minutes in previous elections. I'm a suburban Texan. It really must be miserable to work this hard and unjustly for a president that doesn't give a flying fuck about you, but what you can do for him. I don't really find this too surprising. He is a Bear Bexar County Republican (fiscally conservative but tend to be more bipartisan in their approach than other more harmful conservatives in the state).  Buy it: Cool Willie Nelson Guitar Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Awesome MLB World Series Los Angeles Dodgers Champs 2020 Shirt

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Yes, I worry about their Awesome MLB World Series Los Angeles Dodgers Champs 2020 Shirt, but this decision will throw out a large amount of Trump votes along with Biden votes, giving him a much smaller gain from this than people think, in a state that's likely to hit 12 million votes, with a considerable amount of new non-voters and young voters showing up specifically to vote Trump out. I think the goal was to get them turned into provisional or ballots that are accounted for but not counted. Then if the election is close but in Trump's favor they have a better narrative.  Buy it: Awesome MLB World Series Los Angeles Dodgers Champs 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice Yes He’s Fishing No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt

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It can decide that the Nice Yes He’s Fishing No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt ruled in a way that violated the US constitution, but that would be a stretch for them to overrule the 100 Republican Texas a Supreme Court. Keep in mind there are no democrats on the Texas Supreme Court. That is definitely what the law says. But I have no faith in the compromised federal judiciary. Let's see if that's what actually happens and be ready to respond as necessary with public and nonviolent demonstrations if that's what it comes to. Throwing out these votes would be an unconscionable assault on democracy. Buy it: Nice Yes He’s Fishing No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cool Christmas Ferocious Friend Just Hangin’ With My Shirt

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I’m afraid of a libertarian win in a Cool Christmas Ferocious Friend Just Hangin’ With My Shirt ... as much as I think the GOP has fallen to fascism, libertarians would tear down the few functioning parts of our government because they have some bizarre logic that makes them think that the private sector can fix things. Unfortunately the rhetoric they employ tricks a lot of right and left people into thinking they’re a good compromise when really it’s not going to make things better. There were 0 dissents in the most recent Pennsylvania case because it was too close to the election, so even Thomas and Beerboy aren’t going to rule in favor of this. Buy it: Cool Christmas Ferocious Friend Just Hangin’ With My Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Premium Pig Sheep Chicken Cow Santa This Is My Christmas Farmer Shirt

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They rarely are... the civil rights Premium Pig Sheep Chicken Cow Santa This Is My Christmas Farmer Shirt , and of course the Nazi party were all examples of conservatives being on the wrong side of history. It's absolutely telling. The fascist takeover is happening. I wish these dolts would have the slightest inkling that we are stronger with democracy. We are being led to this by foreign governments and our own oligarchs on the right. The Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea and The former (East)German Democratic Republic were the conservatives democratic republic role models when it comes to winning elections. McConnell is the Erich Honecker of American politics. Buy it: Premium Pig Sheep Chicken Cow Santa This Is My Christmas Farmer Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Lovely Unicorn Happy Hallothanksmas Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas Shirt

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If that were true it would absolutely go Biden which requires only a Lovely Unicorn Happy Hallothanksmas Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas Shirt . I understand the issue has been a combination of suppression and the simple historical unwillingness of those that COULD turn it blue showing up to vote. Let's hope this changes this year. I was gonna say. I was looking at my district maps and one of the districts I belong to runs from Austin to the RGV... That's a 5 hr drive from tip to tip going 70mph. Also, the district is like 450miles long by maybe 20 miles wide. Buy it: Lovely Unicorn Happy Hallothanksmas Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cute Pug Dabbing Santa Christmas Tree Shirt

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Seriously, did he miss where one of his  Cute Pug Dabbing Santa Christmas Tree Shirt over and killed a woman? Or the whole locking kids in cages part? I mean this is a valid reason, but there have been a torrent of racist violence bullshit he’s supported and advocated for so it seems a bit convenient. But this time the Trump flags were literally flying high and there’s no way to wiggle out of responsibility. Anyone who has half a brain can connect the dots for those other travesties but with the bus attack it might as had been Trump behind the wheel of one of those stupid ass trucks.  Buy it: Cute Pug Dabbing Santa Christmas Tree Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Awesome Mookie Of The Year Los Angeles Dodgers 2020 Champions Signature Shirt

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There's (as far as I'm aware) nothing in the Awesome Mookie Of The Year Los Angeles Dodgers 2020 Champions Signature Shirt with the specifics of how these powers are divested. I'm pretty sure Texas has Home Rule allowing counties significant power over their own affairs. Federal judges are typically unwilling to oppose a state's Supreme Court on matters of state law. But, as we all know, "typically" and "normally" are concepts that have seem to have been tossed out in this election cycle. Texas Republicans are scared shitless. You see the same thing with trump road warriors trying to run the Biden campaign off of the highways in Texas. They see that the actual will of the people may not be on their side and they are panicking. Buy it: Awesome Mookie Of The Year Los Angeles Dodgers 2020 Champions Signature Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Original Zombie Easily Distracted By Wine And Brains Moon Halloween Shirt

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There are no election pamphlets telling you what is on the Original Zombie Easily Distracted By Wine And Brains Moon Halloween Shirt . You must do all your own research. I’ve tried and half the people on the ballot you can’t even find anything about. The propositions are poorly worded to be confusing, and very little information can be found online about them. Just various groups on both sides telling you how awful the other side is and you definitely need to votes yes/no. Texas makes it very difficult to vote. I’ve lived in several states and Texas is the worst state I’ve ever lived in.  Buy it: Original Zombie Easily Distracted By Wine And Brains Moon Halloween Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice World Series Champions Los Angeles Dodgers 2020 Shirt

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I have no idea how it works over the  Nice World Series Champions Los Angeles Dodgers 2020 Shirt who want a high profile case and just drag them kicking and screaming through a treason trial. You have to show an ID? and use an electronic ballot? I live in Seattle and this is so bizarre. The election logistics here WITH covid have been mostly identical to all other elections WITHOUT covid. We get our ballot in the mail ahead of time, with a voter info pamphlet with sections for each candidate and their reason why they deserve your vote. Hilariously, Trump said CHAZ should never have happened... but he wasn't able to stop it so why would him getting elected again stop it from happening again? If anything he makes it much more likely... Buy it: Nice World Series Champions Los Angeles Dodgers 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Premium Owl Quaran Tree Christmas Shirt

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The ballots were also electronic. They were cast on a  Premium Owl Quaran Tree Christmas Shirt that was hard wired back into the polling tent the entire time. You had to show your ID, sign and certify your identity, enter a code on the ballot that corresponded to just you, and make your selections before handing it back off. You couldn't physically leave with them and they weren't usable without the poll worker verifying your identity. In case you can't tell, I was one of the shmucks that did the drive thru voting. And now they want to take my vote and throw it away with no opportunity to vote again. Buy it: Premium Owl Quaran Tree Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cool Santa Dabbing Face Mask Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt

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The suit claims Harris County violates the Cool Santa Dabbing Face Mask Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt legislature’s right to change election law by acting independently (Article I, Section IV, Clause 1) and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. As the constitution says the state legislature sets the rules for an election, and this was done outside the pervue of the legislature (The county sought approval of the texas executive department that runs elections) it must not be constitution.  Buy it: Cool Santa Dabbing Face Mask Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Grateful Woman Veteran If My Flag Offends You I’ll Help You Pack Shirt

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Yeah if they really wanna go down that rabbit hole then by their Grateful Woman Veteran If My Flag Offends You I’ll Help You Pack Shirt as long as they’re nothing more than pea shooters and muskets. Supreme Court Precedent with other election cases has been to side with the state legislatures voting laws. The Texas State Legislature approved this form of voting, so I don’t think it would be overturned, but who knows now with ACB on the court. This is the problem. The oath of office means absolutely jack shit these days. There needs to be consequences for all people in government, including judges, when they violate their oath in favor of their own partisan beliefs. Buy it: Grateful Woman Veteran If My Flag Offends You I’ll Help You Pack Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Blablatees - Custom - T-shirt

Cute Pluto Make It A Planet Again 2020 Shirt

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So if you don't like the Cute Pluto Make It A Planet Again 2020 Shirt , is that what you're saying? You could just read the article to see what's happening, and how Republicans are trying to invalidate the pre-approved drive-thru voting method to throw out all those votes. This is the State Supreme Court. This is a real case, brought by the Texas GOP. There’s also a case pending in federal court tomorrow, attempting to invalidate over 120,000 votes again. Read it again. SCOTUS isn't involved, this story is about the decision from the Texas State Supreme Court. Buy it: Cute Pluto Make It A Planet Again 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Official Lung Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt

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The state approved drive up voting in that Official Lung Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt. So, they went ahead with it. The GOP knew about it 4 months ago. But they waited until the 11th hour to put a stop to it in the hopes that it would be too late for the Democrats to do anything about it if they could get the federal judge to rule in their favor. And it didn't work. Let's put it this way... project veritas has been wrong in every single claim they've made. They make convincing videos that are cleverly edited to push their point, but when you actually look at the whole picture, turns out they're just lying. Buy it: Official Lung Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Awesome Jurassic Pug Shirt

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Many states, including Texas, have in fact legislatively allocated the power to the  Awesome Jurassic Pug Shirt to agencies like the local board of elections. That is why the GOP challenge in Texas isn’t panning out. These laws exists so that those local boards can tailor voting procedures to their communities. For example if a forest fire gutted a polling place the night before an election - many states have legislated that it’s doesn’t invalidate the votes if a state executive, like the governor, approved moving the polling place to a near by gym or something. Buy it: Awesome Jurassic Pug Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Colorful Los Angeles Lakers 2020 NBA Champions Shirt

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I believe there is more ignorance on the Colorful Los Angeles Lakers 2020 NBA Champions Shirt . Evil is just actively exploiting that ignorance right now. Get rid of the wolves before you vote for sheep, as it were. The GOP needs to go. You think this person even understands how the justice system works? It be easier to train an African grey parrot to be a senator than to try and get this moron to understand how the legal system works. They have no constitutional authority to overrule a state Supreme Court on state law, but as a practical matter there’s no mechanism to stop them from doing whatever they want.  Buy it: Colorful Los Angeles Lakers 2020 NBA Champions Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Hot I’m The Sweet Elf I Have T1D Shirt

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The Republican plaintiffs, however, are pursuing a similar  Hot I’m The Sweet Elf I Have T1D Shirt in federal court, hoping to get the votes thrown out by arguing that drive-thru voting violates the U.S. constitution. A hearing in that case is set for Monday morning in a Houston-based federal district court. Got downvoted into oblivion for say this is what would happen yesterday. This was by Republican appointed judges. You guy really can't concede that not every Republican is evil. It's going to backfire on you down the line if you keep it up.  Buy it: Hot I’m The Sweet Elf I Have T1D Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

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I was registered in Texas but am currently living in a Premium Life Is Good But The Shark Makes It Jawesome Vintage Retro Shirt . As much as I wanted to cast an absentee ballot, I did not trust Texas. It took 3 weeks just to get my application for an absentee ballot. That’s when I decided to just register here where I am. We all are but the higher ups want the ballistic ratings to continue. There's talk of another season but production money is so tight they will have to pull some incredibly hidden strings to pull it off. Buy it: Premium Life Is Good But The Shark Makes It Jawesome Vintage Retro Shirt v Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Cute Horse Merry Quarantine Christmas Shirt

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As i tell everyone in biden and other left leaning places to stop the Cute Horse Merry Quarantine Christmas Shirt . That most people want to do the right thing. It sucks so many people are drawn to the siren song of facism, but many more are resisting that call.  This was a potentially huge win for the Rs, and it really seemed like it was gonna go their way. Glad to hear that we’re still on track for a competitive Texas. Trump is only 1 or 1.5% ahead (source: 538), but polls tend to underestimate Democrats and Democratic areas like Houston, Dallas, Forth Worth, San Antonio, etc. are voting in record numbers. Watch Collin County on election night. If Collin County goes blue, then Texas goes blue. Buy it: Cute Horse Merry Quarantine Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Cool If You Don’t Listen To Alan Jackson You Will Never Understand Shirt

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Not sure how drive-through voting could possibly be seen as a Cool If You Don’t Listen To Alan Jackson You Will Never Understand Shirt ... First, the Constitution leaves the nuts and bolts of the election process to the states. Second, there's no material difference between me voting in person while standing vs. me voting in person while sitting in a car. The Republican plaintiffs, however, are pursuing a similar lawsuit in federal court, hoping to get the votes thrown out by arguing that drive-thru voting violates the U.S. constitution. A hearing in that case is set for Monday morning in a Houston-based federal district court, one day before Election Day.  Buy it: Cool If You Don’t Listen To Alan Jackson You Will Never Understand Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Top I Back The Red For My Wife Shirt

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What possible justification could they have for not counting these Top I Back The Red For My Wife Shirt ? What difference does it make if someone cast their vote from their vehicle. If that’s the case, I guess we have to throw out any vote that someone cast if they drove to a polling place. So, do the Texas Republicans have access to some kind of internal polls that show that they're about to get bopped? Because this has always reeked of desperation. This was my point of doubting the sanity of a person based on headlines about their partisanship and being glad that humans still participate in what's going on.  Buy it: Top I Back The Red For My Wife Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt

Grateful Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt

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I appreciate the "get out the Grateful Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt " call. Trump still has a chance to win and everyone who can vote needs to. But this is a very different election, partly because the calls to get out the vote have been wildly successful. Motivating people with enthusiasm is just as legitimate and effective as trying to scare them, and a hell of a lot better for everyone's mental health. So let's run up the numbers on that piece of crap! Someone needs to tell them that even though it sounds similar, democracy isn't just a Democrat thing. Buy it: Grateful Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: T-shirtbear - Custom - T-shirt